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Good news for the Spanish economy

Spain posted the strongest growth figures in the eurozone, matched only by the traditional powerhouse, Germany.

Leaving behind six years of recesion, Spain’s GDP grew 1.4% last year (with a 0.7% rise in fourth quarter) and looks on course to continue growing strongly through 2015.

The figures, double those forecasted by the IMF, have been boosted by a strong growth in domestic consumer demand. Exports, which had been performing well, have slumped but the construction industry shows signs of life, a fact evident here as the real estate industry shows definite signs of recovery from the economic crisis.

This latest news comes together with other positive economic indicators, such as an increase in bank lending, and suggests that the government’s forecast of 2.5% growth for this year may well be possible.

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Has your community declared?

community of owners - costa del sol

You could be fined if your Community fails to act.

All “Communities of Owners” on the Costa del Sol are obliged to present a form known as Model 347 to their local Hacienda by Monday 2nd March 2015.

This paperwork deals with payments to suppliers and communities are obliged to declare any transactions over 3,005.06 euros made to third party suppliers. The process is designed to check that these suppliers have in fact charged and paid the correct amount of IVA.

All bills for gardening, security, cleaning, maintenance and communal building works can be included but not utility bills or insurance.

Failure to present a form by Monday 2nd March 2015 could result in a hefty fine for a Community – which could then charge individual property owners.

If you need help or advice on matters concerns Community of Owners and laws regarding Urbanisations then please contact us below;

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Community Issue

Further Info

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La Cañada to get bigger

la-cañada-marbella-shoppingGood news for the shopaholics on the coast comes from the news that the main shopping centre in Marbella, known as La Cañada, is to be expanded.

An new floor is to be added to the main building giving an extra 2,000 sqm of retail space.

The plan had to be approved by four different departments of the Junta de Andalucia. The Employment, Economy, Innovation and Science departments all had to be consulted.

La Cañada is also the new location for the town’s annual Feria. This year the festivities will take place on the large plot next the the centre (which is reserved for future commercial expansion) and after that a site slightly to the north will be used. Welcome news for anyone who values a good night’s sleep!

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